Hmm seeing Wade in these poll pictures made me think of something i didn't consider before. What if, in case Cindy and Wade break up, Wade becomes option for Lena and/or Ivy. Or if Ivy hits on Wade and tells him she saw Ian/Cindy in the process.
(Wade blocking Ian from getting Ivy in scenario where Ian stole Cindy from him would be low-key hilarious)
It would be the most logically route if Wade is going to get content.
The bigger question is if Wade is intended to get content and I doubt that. He is portrayed too boring and has nothing for him aside the gaming subplot. He isn't so much his own character but a attached to the actual fleshed out character Cindy. Minervas husband and Milo likely don't get content either, because its not about their own characters but them being attachements of the women.
Also, there is no indication that Lena and especially Ivy would be attracted by him aside from the general handsomeness. He would be a bad conversionalist, isn't entertaining and has offputting interests. Lena and Ivy have high standards (aside from Stan) and need at least someone on Robert and Mark level: Confident, selfadjusted men with a decent stable job and outgoing attitude.